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Un fantástico y único grupo que tras ser mundialmente famoso, sus verdaderas identidades han conseguido no ser anónimas, ya que lo que sabemos de ellos son sus apodos, dibujos y la incríble historia que cuenta como se formaron.

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1 Comment

Hello. I just needed to make you aware that some parts of your website are onerous to comprehend for me, as I am color blind. I have problems with tritanopia, however there are more sorts of color blindness that will also experience difficulties. I will understand the largest part of the web site Okay, and the areas I have problems with I am able to comprehend by employing a special browser. Just the same, it would be cool if you would remember we color-blind people whilst carrying out your next website design. Thank you.

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This page contains a single entry by Flower power published on 22 de Noviembre 2009 8:02 PM.

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